Fostering Mindfulness in an essential guide for teachers and parents interested in introducing mindfulness to children for cultivating presence and well-being. Child-friendly language is used to explain mindfulness, physiology, and brain science. This comprehensive resource offers step-by-step instructions, guiding scripts, activity sheets, ready-to-use templates, and scientific insights. Based on extensive training in the science and practice of mindfulness and years of teaching experience, this highly readable book includes stories from teachers who introduce mindfulness in their classrooms to help children thrive.
This is a 14-page activity sampler from Fostering Mindfulness.
You will find reproducible templates and activity sheets as samples of what is included
within the book for introducing mindfulness to children in the classroom and beyond.
Mindfulness Practices for Children and Adolescents Receiving Cancer Therapies (January 2022).
MacKinnon, K.; Wilton, L.; Murphy, S.; Stein Dzaldov, B.; Wattar, D.; DesRochers, J. & Mann, A. (2022). Designing for Meaningful Synchronous and Asynchronous Discussion in Online Courses. Open Library | PressBooks. (Chapter 3: Cultivating Mental Health, Well-Being, and a Culture of Care in Online Teaching and Learning Environments)
Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Cancer.
The Facts on Education: How can mindfulness support K-12 teaching and learning?
Preparing Teachers for the Classroom: Mindful Awareness Practice in Preservice Education Curriculum. (Edited Book)
Impacting Teaching and Learning: Contemplative Practices, Pedagogy and Research in Education
Helping Students Become More Skillful at Managing Challenging Emotions through Mindfulness
The Secret to Learning a New Skill at Any Age
Why Movement is Critical to Learning
COVID-19 means added anxiety at school, but you can ease your kids' fears, experts say
Science-based Insights for a Meaningful Life
A professional resource to the sciences and humanities, practice communities, and broader public